Cold-Applied Liquid Waterproofing

May Roofing are specialist installers of cold-applied liquid waterproofing systems from top suppliers including Liquiflex-Pro®KEMPEROL® , Polyroof, Soprema and Triflex for the protection of your roof, balcony, terrace or external stairs.

The Art of Liquid ProtectionMetal roof

There was a time, not so long ago, when the very thought of flat roofs could send cold shivers down the spine. Today there is a different type of cold that instead brings confidence and peace of mind to every building owner blessed with any such zero-sloping constructions.

Looking forward and embracing the latest product development and innovation is at the heart of everything we do at May Roofing. We were amongst the first to recognise the wide-ranging features and benefits of cold applied liquid waterproofing and have adopted it as one of our core services. And we’ve made a bit of an art of its application too. 

liquiflex-pro-waterproofing-system on flat roofVersatile By Design

Liquid roofing systems are the fastest growing sector in the flat roofing market and it’s not difficult to see why. Combining optimum flexibility with outright durability makes them extremely versatile solutions for any roof size and detailing, if not the ultimate in flat roof protection. 

With the ability to coat virtually all common roof surfaces, once applied they form a permanently elastic, seamless membrane. Ideal for new build projects and the perfect choice for rejuvenating the tired, forgotten and unloved. 

There are now exciting liquid waterproofing systems and products that can be used in all areas of roofing and roofing design including warm, cold, green or inverted roofs.

Their application also extends to walkways, external stairwells, balconies and car parks with anti-slip options available for trafficked areas. 

Triflex-on felt roofBonding Matters

With their excellent adhesion and powerful bonding properties, cold-applied liquid waterproofing offers almost limitless application opportunities by completely encapsulating any surface they are applied to. For refurbishments, they can be applied directly to a wide range of existing roof coverings including felt, asphalt, PVC single-ply, metal and concrete. For new builds, they can be immediately put to use on approved insulation boards, plywood or OSB3 boards.

Taking it Fast and Easy

Bonding to most substrates allows cold applied liquid waterproofing to be used in most situations without the need to remove existing roof coverings. This means we can quickly get down to business and avoid the cost of removal and associated expense and environmental issues with disposal. This makes it the perfect solution to hazardous asbestos roofs.

Armed with brush and rollers brings out the inner artists in our roofers. With the cold liquid coming straight out of the tin they apply a controlled even film thickness at speed and dexterity that’s pure poetry in motion. And if you’ve got your stopwatch handy, weatherproofing can be fully achieved in just 30 minutes.

Not only will our roofers never paint themselves into a corner but they are also fully trained and part of an ISO 9001 managed Approved Contractor Scheme. This ensures that all our installations will be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Seamless Perfection

All liquid applied roofing systems form a single seamless homogenous membrane with no lap joints or welds. In fact no weak points at all. The finish is exceptionally tough and impact resistant and with excellent elasticity and tensile strength can easily support foot traffic. 

When the Heat is Off

Safety considerations in any roofing installation must of course be paramount. Cold applied liquids are by definition applied “cold”. This means there are no hot works or naked flames involved so the risk of accidental fire during their installation is completely eliminated. Cold applied liquids are therefore the natural choice for schools, hospitals, commercial and other buildings that are occupied during works.

Adding Value for Decades

Good quality cold liquid systems incorporate substantial value engineering to offer maximum performance within the constraints of even the modest of budgets. With proven long term life expectancies most will have BBA or ETA certified lifespans well over 25 years.

Our Products of Choice

We carefully select the products we use on our installations. They must deliver the most advanced chemistry formulations and deliver technical excellence to provide the exceptional waterproofing performance expected by our customers. LIQUIFLEX-PRO® ticks all our boxes for a high-performance, cold applied liquid waterproofing system that is fully reinforced with a polyester fabric. 

Being moisture curing or having wet-on-wet properties allows LIQUIFLEX-PRO® to be applied on damp substrates so having to wait for weather windows is a worry of the past. Speed of application is superb and it also provides instant rain resistance. Proven thermal and UV stability is backed by BBA accreditation for serviceable life in excess of 25 years.

When the Devil’s in the Detailing

Liquid roofing systems by their very nature are extremely effective at sealing complex details. However, in situations where detailing becomes more awkward or too numerous, we don’t hesitate in reaching for KEMPEROL®.

In a single process application, KEMPEROL® moulds like a second skin around all manner of protrusions, upstands, balustrades and stanchions. Roof parapets, skylights, ventilation pipes, planters, gutters and flashings are seamlessly and effectively integrated into the surface waterproofing membrane. Root resistant, it’s also an ideal option for ‘green’ roof projects.

Backing Winners

We never gamble on any roofing result. That’s why our stable of thoroughbred products
continues to evolve. Somprema’s ALSAN 770 is a 2-part highly flexible and crack-bridging PMMA resin
providing permanent weather resistance. Fast curing, it can be applied to almost any
substrate, even at sub-zero temperatures.

The seamless Polyroof PROTEC membrane is an ultra-versatile waterproofing system. Incorporating
RapidCure Technology, this hybrid polymer combines optimum flexibility and toughness and
can gallop across the finishing line with curing times as low as 30 minutes.

Always the Best Options Available

We believe that working closely together with manufacturers is the key to providing tailored solutions to meet the huge diversity and complexity of applications. Of course, they know their own products inside and out, but they’re far more than genius scientists in white lab coats and safety glasses. They know how to get the job done right, first time. That’s why we’ve also teamed up with leading European specialists Triflex who have been at the forefront of state-the-art building repair and liquid waterproofing for more than 40 years.

So whatever your project, big or small, simple or fiendishly complex, we always have the best product options and technical resources available to deliver long-term building liquid protection.

Contact us today for further information on our cold-applied liquid waterproofing systems