Flat Roof Specialist
The design for your new extension is nearly complete. You’re looking forward to having so much extra space in the kitchen to enjoy or perhaps you intend extending the living room into the garden with a classy conservatory. Maybe you’ve decided to give the trusty old car or brand new runabout a cosy dry garage to sleep in at night or have rewarded yourself with the promise of the ultimate in garden sheds.

Dream Come True
It’s time to turn to roofing specialists Flat Roof repair Dublin. Even if you’re only at the wishful thinking stage, we’ll be all ears about what you have in mind and then give our recommendations for the perfect roof that will match your specification and budget.

It’s all in the Detail
As someone who was probably quite famous once said ‘failing to plan is planning to fail’ so we will advise you on every aspect of structural decking material, design and construction. Before we can install any roofing system we’ll need to make sure the underlying deck is safe, dependable and meets the appropriate building regulations.

Natural Light
We’ll take care of every detailing consideration such as ensuring rain water will run-off efficiently and that the gutters will be in the right place to catch it. If your extension is classed as a habitable part of your home such as a kitchen, bedroom or bathroom your flat roof will need to be fully insulated with fire-safe insulation material. You’ll be warmer and your heating bills will be smaller. And if you want to let some glorious natural light into your new space there’s an exciting range of rooflights.

Top That
Now we need to think what we’re going to cover you up with. There’s tried and tested bonded bituminous felt. These membranes have been around for what seems like forever and their quality and performance have been continuously improving over the years. Known more technically as Reinforced Bitumen Membranes or RBM they still remain a firm favourite for many residential applications.

PVC Roof
PVC membranes are ideally suited to warm roof installations as they can be laid directly onto the insulation material and mechanically fixed with a system of steel fasteners which is incredibly fast and efficient. Extremely durable and lightweight, they put little stress on your structure, and your lovely specialist roofers, and are reassuringly fire resistant.

Transform Your Roof
And it’s not just flat roofs that PVC can transform either. Because it is so pliable and adaptable we can use it on sloped roofs as well as creating more complex designs such as convex, concave and even vertically pitched. We can also provide an enticing colour choice too including the authentic look of lead, copper and zinc together with standing seams to complete a truly realistic effect. Your neighbours will think you really have gone up in the world.

Getting the Wind Up
Apologies for stating the obvious, but all roof coverings and their insulation must be constructed to resist the invisible and malevolent forces of wind and gales. The last thing you want to see in the morning is the top of your beautiful new extension flapping about like a demented deckchair. When you entrust your roof installation to the capable hands of our roofing professionals you can be sure they will keep everything sealed down as tight as a drum.